Monday, December 17, 2007

Were it not for music, we might in these days say, the Beautiful is dead.

One of my favorite things in the world, is when I find a CD or I hear a band I haven't listened to in a while. It's almost like this refreshing sense of feeling comes back over your body. Especially if it's a band you've loved since you found them 4 years ago, but their music just gets better and better. New or old, their music is soft on the ears.

Stars happens to be one of those bands for me. Whenever I hear a new song of theirs, I get an almost euphoric feeling all over me. I feel like I relate to everything they sing about, they make such a bold statement in every word they sing. Their sound is ambient and meaningful. I just, love everything about them.

Music is and always be a big part of my life. I love hearing new and undiscovered talent. I love old generations and new, I love any artist passionate about what they're singing about and why. Anyone with a message. You can feel a good song in your veins, in your heart.

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