Monday, December 24, 2007

Just thoughts.

It's Christmas Eve. Well, technically it's Christmas but my days work differently because I'm a night owl. It would be kind of rad to be an owl, they're such gorgeous birds.


You know what bugs me? People who claim to blog and they don't, at all. I mean, it could be because I'm such a nosey asshole, but hey, I like to read about what's going on in other people lives. Not celebrities though, I prefer real drama. I love to write, so blogging feels good, even though maybe 3% of the people I know, actually know about my blog.

On that note. I hate people who claim to do a lot of things, they really have no clue about, or even know how to do. Like, photography, for example. My brother is an amazing photographer, he's never taken a class, or had any professional training. Instead he educated himself, started with a shit camera, and worked his ass off. The thing that gets me, is you have a place like myspace, where everyone is a fucking star. It just gets under my skin. Sort of like art fags, who swear they're artist, but really, they're just good at copying other people.

My phone will be here on Thursday. Pretty fucking pumped. I'm out of things to talk about, so that's my cue for bed.

I cannot wait to see Anna in the morning, I am sure her face will be priceless.

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