Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It can take a surprisingly long time to get from one part of my mind to another.

Ever reflect on conversations, or thoughts you have. I do. I have decided I am a plethora of pretty useless knowledge. The great thing is, I always have something to talk about. I make small talk a little less awkward, well maybe awkward but in a good way.

I honestly don't know why I feel the need to even talk about this, I was just pondering. Something I do more frequently than others. Not a quality everyone can say they have. It just adds to my uniqueness.

That brings me to conversation etiquette. If it were a profession, I am pretty damn sure I would win. I can bring warmth to any conversation. Funny because a few years ago, I was so shy. Now, I would blow anyone away with my ability to connect with almost anyone through good conversation. I rule.

Maybe it's because I think so much. I'm always searching for answers to questions most people would never think of. I want to know it all. I thrive off of all the things I am hungry to learn. I could just be weird but to me, I am smart in my own way. I am a busy body who can sit still and constantly has to be reading about something I find odd.

Pointless blog. Just felt the need to blog it.

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