Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Is it weird that I only blog about my feelings. I'm an open person, but in a different way than others. I'm open in areas where most people would close up. Not that I find anyone walking donw the street (like the Kleenex guy) and tell them all about my life, or my crazy emotional ventures. I do love to share on my blog, though. I've heard most people enjoy blogging so much, because it's comparable to being a celebrity. You have others looking in on your life, others lurking for information on your next move. Exciting! I would love to know who really lurked on here, my blog, not just blogspot, duh.

This week alone, has been a venture. What's new, right? So many conflicting thoughts, interests and desires have been thrown my way. It's complicating. Extremely, to be honest. It seems like you get everything else on track, only to have 100 other things go under. I find humor in it now, like seriously, getting mad is retarded.

I've made some choices I feel will make me happy in the long run. I painted a bomb ass fucking painint and I'm finishing some jewelry. I'm as happy as pie. If pie is happy... ? I would be happy eating pie, right now.

Off to run errands. Fer shizzle.

Hair appointment tomorrow! Yay.

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