Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

I have someone in my life, someone more important than my own life.

Someone who's smile warms my heart. Someone who pushes me to climb those mountain tops.

Someone who with one sweet "I love you" says 1,000 words over and over again in my soul.

Someone who without knowing it, pushes me to never stop fighting.

This someone has shown me, life isn't so bad. There is a reason to keep going, a reason to wake up every morning with a smile on my face. A reason to always try and try harder.

Every morning, I'm greeted with a sleepy smile and a "where are we going today". I smile and say "To the moon baby, to the moon". My heart walks next to me at the park, rides behind me in the car and gives me 1 2 3 4 5 good night kisses before bed.

When I go to sleep. I get up at least twice, just to make sure this person isn't just a dream. Then I wake every morning only to question how I was so lucky, to be so blessed, by a soul that's so pure... it pulls at mine.

This someone call's me Mommy.

I am this someones role model.

I am this someones whole world.

This someone is my whole world.

My whole reason for living.

November 7th, 2005 will always be the day that forever changed my life.

Mommy loves you, Anna Banana.

"As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be"


Anonymous said...

Okay..so I am crying now too!! Beautifully written Scotti for your beautiful Anna. I absolutely love that picture of her too!!

Belly (Liz McLennan) said...

crying here, too!!! scotti...love. you need to write!!!

Anonymous said...

Very Sweet Scotti!