Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Twenty Eleven.

So. Here I am. I suppose.

I decided I would blog more this year. I didn't have a single blog entry in 2010, and I think only 15 in 2009. That's borderline pathetic, especially considering how much I enjoy throwing my emotions onto the internet. Not really, but nobody seems to want to hear my life rants, so I might as well blog them.

I am honestly glad to put this last year behind me, and I am glad I didn't write about it. I can sum it up in roughly one poorly written sentence. Heartache, let down, failure, and I was lost.

It's a new fucking year. I will repeat that to myself, as many fucking times as it takes for me to pull my head out of my ass.

Confusion is such an ugly thing, if you call it a thing? I am sure most would agree, a situation can be over analyzed in far too many ways. A sensitive person can only handle so much of this. You can truly start to lose your self worth, in a bad situation. Forget who you are, what you stand for, and are become blind to what you're becoming.

I have so much more I want to let go, so many things I've kept bottled up because I thought nobody cared. They will have to wait though, it's late.

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